
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is The Law Protecting The Driver Of Today?

By Adriana Noton

When a fine is paid by someone without question then they are automatically convicted of a crime in the eyes of the law and they would have had no idea that they may not have done anything wrong. Just because a radar or a police office says that you have committed an offense it doesn't mean that you are automatically guilty. Even members of the police force and radar equipment are not infallible.

The thing is that no average honest person wants to have a criminal record or go anywhere near a court room. So when someone is faced with intimidation in the form of a demand that says pay this now or soon it will costs something else, people pay. It's almost a threatening way to go about something and it it really puts people off contesting the charges.

A very detrimental aspect of convicting yourself of an offense without contesting it is that the record stays with you for a very long time indeed. This is worse than any fine that could be imposed because of the length of time that will burden you. In many cases, paralegals can handle a situation for you which could mean that you wouldn't even have to appear in court.

So you would avoid having crazy rises in your insurance costs or even worse getting a suspension of your driving license. Imagine what your insurance premiums would be after a suspension. The truth of the matter is that most people don't contest their traffic tickets because they are ignorant to the consequences. Just one minor infringement could have a drastic influence on your life for a long time.

Points or demerits are what could also see you get a suspension. You may be OK with your first offense but if you con't contest it by the time you get your third it'll be too late. You could have found that the police used poorly maintained radar equipment when they gathered their evidence for a speeding ticket. If the radar was faulty, then you shouldn't have to pa any fine whatsoever.

You should definitely contest any accusation made against you as what you see in black and white is not always the final word of the courts. You should always consult legal advice before pleading guilty to a lesser charge in order to minimize your costs. In the long run of things your costs will be much more if you don't have proper advice. Your legal team will have access to their own professionals that make a living overturning weak evidence produced against you. Radar specialists for speeding and toxicologists for DUI offenses make all the difference when you are up against the court.

If you do have to go to court to have things discussed properly then you will be properly represented. The good thing about having someone that makes their living doing this sort of thing is that after viewing the evidence, you may find that no court date is needed. Now if you had accepted the penalty as soon as it came along then you would have blemishes on your good character.

More and more people are starting to realize what the ramifications of accepting a penalty without any real effort to rebut the accusation. Those people seem more prepared to take on the authorities and question whether the penalty is really valid or not. With all the news stories about the failing radar system and testing equipment use to detect offenses then there is little wonder why so many people are now successful in their defence. It's lucky that so many people have decided to stand up and fight the system because without those then lots of people would still be over penalised. Thankfully when evidence is lacking the court backs the defendant and the you are protected by the law.

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